Original art pieces from museums pose diverse challenges because they require a wide range of resolution and variable light adjustment options. For this reason, it is important to find the best scanning and workflow solutions that can be adjusted and executed within the scanning process, even for inexperienced users.
Coins, seals, or other items can be digitized with individual light settings and very high resolution. Other exhibits like paintings are often larger than A0 size that is the maximum for conventional scanners. Glass plate negatives and slides can be scanned with a light box. These also frequently require high resolutions. Thus, the CRUSE Synchrontable Scanner is a particularly versatile scanning solution for a wide range of applications. It offers maximum quality for digital preservation and reproduction of your exhibits. Features like absolute color fidelity, variable light settings, and user-friendly software, simplify the digitization process. Originals are exposed to the lowest possible lighting intensity.
The Synchrontable is modular and expandable, available with table sizes of up to 1.5 x 2.5 m (59 x 98 in).